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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hey Guess what?

This sunday is my 19th birthday!  yep the final year of being a teenager and stuff. and i'm hoping to get something cool.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy early thanksgiving

Yo my fellow gays and non judge-mental straights. I hope that this thanksgiving will be thankful for all the stuff God provided us. And for that i hope this video will left your spirits.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Religion people. SHUT UP!

Okay I'm really pissed off at over religious people who thinks gay people go to hell.  You what know  I freaking think? I think they don't know shit. I had a gay friend who goes to church. And you know what? I think he will go to heaven. And plus the bible did NOT say gays will go to hell.And if you going  to be a total ass hole about gays. GO FUCK YOU SELF!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Ok this blog is for gays who been  has been bullied and tease about their sex appeals. I want you to know i'm not gay but i love gay people cause they are not afraid to be what they are and stuff. And i hope that people understand that bullying people who are gay is retarded  hateful mean and just plan not cool. And also for the people who believe gays go to hell. Which of course the bible did not say that gays will go to hell and they should not get married so kiss my black ass homophobes.